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On the afternoon of 17 September 1951, an immaculate and revered French general, Jean de Lattre de Tassigny, stepped off a passenger ship, the Île de France, and onto the quayside at New York. The 61-year-old ‘King Jean’ had arrived to win round American opinion and rally it behind the French cause in Indochina.

UPDATE 1 Vietnams 2016 inflation seen picking up, says World Bank

Dec 5 Vietnams inflation is forecast to pick up to 4.9 percent in 2016, in line with a government target, while increased lending keeps the economy resilient despite a fragile global environment, the World Bank said on Monday.

Is Trump using Taiwan as a China bargaining chip?

Following surprise phone call, officials ask whether president-elect is looking to increase leverage

Putin won 2016, but Russia has its limits as a superpower​

MOSCOW — In a New Years address that came off like a victory lap, Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked his country Saturday in the wake of a wildly successful 2016 that saw...

Russia Has Overcome Repression Before

"I always remember that I did see a seemingly indestructible system collapse before my eyes, and it changed Russian society forever"

US against the world? Trump’s America and the new global order

In 1989, the political scientist said liberal democracy signalled ‘the end of history’. He looks at the nationalist politics now reshaping the west

Welcome to the age of anger

The seismic events of 2016 have revealed a world in chaos – and one that old ideas of liberal rationalism can no longer explain

How Singapores Not-Really-Rich Have Been Burned by Swiber Bonds

Khi Elaine Thám đã ký một "nhà đầu tư được công nhận" với hình thức ngân hàng của cô tại Singapore cách đây hai năm, cô đã bước một bước về phía định mệnh mất tất cả số tiền cô đã dành cho giáo dục của con cái.

How Singapore Beat New Zealand to Be Expats’ Top Place to Live

The city-state beat New Zealand to rank first in a survey of expat destinations for the second year running. Among nearly 27,000 expats in 190 economies, Singapore is the best place to live, work and raise a family abroad, according to the latest and ninth edition of HSBC Holdings Plc’s annual Expat Explorer report.

Đó là thời gian để rác các mô hình kinh tế sai lầm mà làm cho thế giới thành một nơi nguy hiểm

Tổng số của các quyết định mua bán, chúng tôi sử dụng mỗi ngày - từ cappuccinos của chúng tôi để lương hưu của chúng tôi - được điều khiển bởi một cái gì đó khác hơn là hợp lý

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Tin pháp luật


  • Nhà Đất Phúc An Khang
  • The Diplomat
  • The NewYork Review of Book
  • CogitAsia
  • Reuters
  • Viet Studies
  • The NewYork Times
  • TIME
  • Bloomberg Bussiness